
Reverend Justice’s Keynote Address

Home Reverend Justice’s Keynote Address

A Letter From The People: We Do Not Consent

Dear Uncle Sam,


We stand at the edge of a precipice, teetering between the brink of a destructive conflict and a possible reconciliation. It is with a deep sense of urgency that we implore you to seize this moment, to embrace the opportunity to end our intense and long standing struggle. Throughout our history, We The People have approached our relationship with you in good faith, believing in the promise of a fair and just society. But you, Uncle Sam, have taken advantage of our trust, using it to bend us over a barrel.

Is there any other way to put it, y’all?


Yet, in the face of adversity, we remain unwavering in our pursuit of resolution. With hope in our hearts urge you to undertake a profound shift – a transformation from a lack of faith – to a faith rooted in genuine trust and goodwill.  The time to acknowledge the true value of our empowerment and to confront the tangible harm inflicted upon us has come.  Denying our empowerment – and the generations of harm caused by your abuse is neither equitable, just, nor based in objective reality.  


The path to reconciliation and closure can no longer be paved by psychological or political maneuvers. Such tactics only serve to fortify our determination, as well as that of our fellow citizens – who genuinely believe in our worth – that we are better together – and free – and who believe and advocate for a better future. 


Let me tell you – the power of belief should never be underestimated – and in that we extend a heartfelt apology. We confess our failure to demand more and take action.  To demand you have faith in us – to force you recognize our potential and our manifest right to a brighter destiny. Yet, in truth, it feels as though the wheels of destiny were set in motion long ago, fueled by your vested interests and our relentless pursuit of progress.  And yet, we must remember that it isn’t just up to you, Uncle Sam. This responsibility is on all of us. The promise of a brighter destiny is one we all must work towards. It is our collective duty to ensure our society is one of justice and equality.


Perhaps no words could have altered this course, considering what you had to gain – and our remarkable achievements in the face of your systemic oppression. Nonetheless, we extend an apology – a humble acknowledgement of the rift that exists between us – and the part our apathy as a people has played.  But we are here now to make amends.


In contemplating your influence, we have arrived at a significant realization: if you hold a fundamental belief that we are incapable of managing our own lives, it is a testament to YOUR underlying intentions to withhold our true potential. 


The narrative that we’d have faltered and failed without your intervention is nothing more than a construct woven by your systems.  Perpetuation of delusions and obfuscation of the benefits you reaped while violating your social contract with society – this is not the way forward. The path to progress lies in embracing objective truth. Only by confronting the reality of your intentions and the consequences of your actions can we forge a new and authentic future.


Yet acknowledging our own imperfections and mistakes is an essential part of this narrative. We must confront the reality that we, too, have faltered greatly along our journey. But let’s be honest: our greatest mistake – and the source of the poisoned well – was placing our trust in you instead of taking action. We sought a mentor and partner – someone invested in our collective success – our good ole Uncle Sam.  But this noble aspiration cannot be achieved through mere pleas and disputes. 


You knew this, and you capitalized on our vulnerability for your own advantage.  But…you are us – and we let you do it.  In acknowledging this, we are not merely pointing fingers, but recognizing our part in this dynamic. We, too, have been complicit, and it is time we all actively engage in dismantling these oppressive structures.


As for the shortcomings in our choices and actions during the time under your control, it is difficult to comprehend the profound psychological effects we endured. You systematically crushed our spirit and weakened our resolve. Many succumbed to this weakness, but like King David, some of us emerged from the crucible of adversity, our determination forged in the fires of struggle.


And it is difficult to fully comprehend the effects you had on society: like physical rain that comes through the roof of a home and permeates the entire structure, so did your rapacity permeate every aspect of society and and every decision we made.  Like the physical rain that falls on the head, so did the psychological effects of stress, anguish, financial despair, loss of confidence, loss of life – take a toll on our lives.  Despite facing extreme adversity, we accomplished great feats here. Our resilience and determination should have been an inspiration  – a testament to the human spirit. We achieved these victories in spite of your presence, not because of it. 


That you were bestowed with power through inheritance, akin to a towering Goliath over the humble David, intensifies the sting of your actions. We will no longer submit ourselves to your abuse.  We will not allow ourselves to be broken.  You see – you not only hurt us, you hurt yourself, and you hurt society on the whole.  Through perpetuation of mistrust and injustice, you sewed the seeds that poison the very fabric of our collective.  


All of us invested our money – and many of us placed our unwavering faith in you.  


And you may not think about the money you give to the government as an investment – but that’s what it is – or what it should be anyway.  Most of it is just waste right now.


We believed you would be the guiding light – the source of justice and progress. But you’ve proven yourself a false prophet. The true beacon, the one we should have never lost sight of, is a free and fair system that upholds the values of integrity, compassion, and equity – grounded in the belief in The Almighty Universal Justice, not a corrupt, narcissistic government.


You robbed our money $500 hammer by $5,000 toilet seat – and our sense of empowerment life by life.  

George Floyd.  Breonna Taylor.  Justine Damond.  Daniel Shaver.  Antonio Zambrano-Montes. Eric Garner.  Michael Brown.  Freddie Gray.  Tamir Rice.  Y’all I could sit here and read these names all. fucking. Day.  As we remember these lives lost, we also recognize the potential within us all to enact change. To stand up against the systems that perpetuate injustice, and to strive for a world where such tragedies are a thing of the past.


As to you, Uncle Sam, you stole our ability to determine our own destinies and extinguished the flames of hope and opportunity that once burned brightly within us.  You robbed us of our self-determination. You robbed us of opportunity — and you robbed us of our faith, which is what hurts the most.  You robbed the world of a beacon of hope and light that could have been special — for over 100 years you knew the vision of inclusion, community, and peace we wanted to build.  


Yo y’all it’s like we were looking forward to a grand banquet, but all we’ve been served are leftovers – and a bill we didn’t sign up for.


You made commitments to us.  While we can debate over the interpretation of these commitments prior to women’s suffrage and the civil rights movement, there can be no dispute regarding the commitments made thereafter. You committed to protect us from oppression and injustice, and we invested our trust and belief in those promises, holding onto the dream of a better future.


Yet, what we’ve witnessed has been the replacement of one system of oppression and power with another. The very structure that was meant to safeguard our liberties has been twisted to maintain a status quo that perpetuates inequity and stifles progress. The intentions behind these actions are clear, even if they’re veiled in rhetoric and false promises.


The path we took was based on good faith and trust in the commitments you made — the path you took was anything but.  Despite being bound in structural bondage, in many ways we have succeeded.  In others, we have failed.


Was this the design from the start? With the glaring hypocrisy of the founders – and the presence of slaveholders on our bank notes staring at us daily – and the enduring reminders of systemic oppression – it is difficult NOT to question whether it’s all been a long con. 


Regardless of when it began, one undeniable truth remains: at some point, you made a conscious decision that maintaining control was more advantageous than empowerment. In doing so, you perpetuated a cycle of pain and injustice. We are here to reclaim our power!


As we remember the actual lives lost – and those generations of souls lost to anguish, despair, and disempowerment long before their earthly expiration – we also recognize the potential within us all to enact change. To stand up against the systems that perpetuate injustice, and to strive for a world where such tragedies are a thing of the past.


In spite of the chains you hung around our necks and our society – and dare I say BECAUSE of the scars inflicted upon us by the very system that was meant to nurture and protect us, we have attained the spirit of The Phoenix.  


And to you my brothers and sisters – and those a little in between: your wounds may be deep, and you may be smoldering in the fire, but we must remain steadfast in our belief that a brighter future is ahead. I am have seen visions of what can be achieved when we are truly empowered – and when promises made are upheld with unwavering commitment. You cannot let the trials or failures of your past define your future.  You must channel your pain and discontent into a relentless pursuit of justice.  Together we will march forward together – to break free and forge a new path towards a truly free and fair society.


As we stand here today, we declare that our consent to be governed by an unjust system is no longer given. We demand a fundamental shift, a transformation that uproots the very foundations of our broken system. And as we call for this transformation, we pledge to be active participants in it. We are not merely spectators waiting for change, but catalysts of that change. We call upon you to listen to our voices, to acknowledge what we have endured, and to join us in the quest for a society that values the inherent worth and dignity of every individual. It is time to mend the broken promises, to restore our faith in the potential for positive change. 


We stand united, ready to rebuild, ready to walk in the communion of light guided by the principles of equity, justice, and compassion. The journey may be challenging, but together, we WILL create a society that celebrates the triumph of the human spirit and ensures that no one is left behind.


May the winds of transformation blow, carrying the echoes of our collective voice.  May the spirit of The Almighty Universal Justice guide our actions – and may compassion and empathy pave the path towards a society where everyone can flourish. 


The time for accountability, reconciliation, and healing is now – The time for liberation has arrived.  As we take up this mantle, let us remember that liberation isn’t just about freeing ourselves from the chains of the past, but also about forging a future where each one of us is a torchbearer of justice and equality.


We are King David.  We stand united and resolute.  We have the power – and we. no. longer. consent.    


So I ask you all – will you rise to the occasion and join us on this transformative journey?  In the immortal words of the great Tupac Shakur, let’s change the way we eat, let’s change the way we live, and let’s change the way we treat each other.  


The choice is yours – and the world is watching.  We. Are. The People.