
Meet Reverend Justice

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Reverend Justice: A Transcendental Journey towards Universal Justice

Every monumental voyage is born from a seed of passion, a desperate longing for change. For Reverend Justice, this voyage began as a disquiet rumble of indignation against injustice. He was once Michael Peter, the heart and soul behind Raw Brewing Company, a hallowed sanctuary for kombucha enthusiasts throughout the nation. The Hideaway @ Raw Brewing Co was more than a business; it was a celebration of community, an oasis of authentic food, and a home for the daring and delicious taste of kombucha.

Yet, a serpent’s hiss disrupted this Eden. A landlord, comfortably cushioned by inherited wealth (and who inherited the deal), and after getting a million free dollars of covid relief, refused the necessary repair of a $50,000 roof, endangering the safety of the community that had found solace within its walls, and making an extra $3,000,000+ for himself in the process. In an act of defiant solidarity, Raw Brewing Co, led by Michael Peter, prioritized the safety of their patrons over the seductive allure of profit and ceased bottling operations.

The brewing company’s stand against injustice precipitated a ruthless legal storm. Their chosen legal representatives, presumably swayed by connections with the oppressive landlord, turned their backs on the company. It seemed as if the legal system had become a treacherous maze, trapping Raw Brewing Company in a cycle of judicial abuse — and leaving the once great without legal counsel in a devastating $7M fraud case that threatened public health. And The Court has made it functionally impossible to find replacement counsel.

In this crucible of betrayal and struggle, a metamorphosis began. Michael Peter, drawing strength from his faith and an unyielding conviction in the power of justice, became Reverend Justice. Just as the kombucha he brewed was a transformation of simple tea into a sparkling elixir, he too underwent a profound transformation, emerging as the founder of the Church of Universal Justice.

From the ashes of a painful past, Reverend Justice rose, guided by his spiritual growth and the lessons learned from years of adversity. His personal history, steeped in the memories of a challenging childhood and the unshakeable belief in the power of compassion and unity, became the foundation of his crusade. From fighting battles as a kid, to battles in criminal court, to the birth of his son (Kid Justice) and battles in family, to the loss of his Hideaway @ Raw Brewing Co. – every joy, and sorrow, each triumph and trial, fueled his transformation and added momentum to his journey towards justice.

Robbed of contingent counsel, the court would not consider the arguments on behalf of Raw Brewing. Yet, while a corporation may be refused self-representation, an individual may represent themselves. Thus, the claim of Raw was assigned to Reverend Justice.

Wearing his Sacramental Vestments, Reverend Justice became a living testament to the resilience of the human spirit. Denied a voice in court as a corporation, the legal claim of Raw Brewing Company was instead assigned to him as an individual. With this ingenious and divinely inspired strategy, Reverend Justice found a way to expose the corruption and judicial abuse that had obstructed the path to justice.

Now, Reverend Justice is more than a plaintiff in a courtroom; he is the embodiment of a universal fight for fairness and accountability. His struggle is an echo of countless unheard cries for justice, a beacon for those who have been let down or cast aside by the systems meant to protect them. This story of one man’s quest for justice has grown into a rallying call for universal justice.

As Reverend Justice prepares to take take on The Court, the brewing storm of justice is set to engulf the nation. This tale has transformed into a passionate courtroom drama, bubbling with more intensity than their most potent kombucha. The fight has become larger than a single legal dispute; it symbolizes a battle for justice that we all share in.

Join Reverend Justice in his tireless pursuit of justice. Stand with us in Judge Keathan Frink’s courtroom on July 5th or join us via Zoom. Support our cause at or by using the hashtag #rawjustice.

Every sip of kombucha tells a tale of transformation and resilience, a testament to the magic of nature and human creativity. Similarly, the journey of Reverend Justice is a story of audacity, hope, and an unwavering dedication to justice. It’s a reminder that every one of us has the capacity for remarkable transformation, the power to stand up against injustice, and the courage to champion the cause of universal justice.

This is the journey of Reverend Justice. His past is a tapestry of pain, joy, and hard-won wisdom. His present is a fight for truth, justice, and accountability. His future? That is yet to be written, but with every step, every victory, every setback, it is being shaped into a testament of his unyielding dedication to the cause of justice. Because ultimately, at the heart of his story, is the echo of a fundamental truth – we are all bound together in this journey for justice, and together, we are unstoppable.

Every great journey begins with a single step, and for Reverend Justice, that journey began not with a step, but with an injustice.