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In the boundless expanse of our cosmic playground...

The Church of Universal Justice serves as a pulsing beacon, drawing upon the collective spirit of freedom-loving souls who echo our creed across all corners of the Universe.


Our shared belief? Supreme faith in the existence of an all-encompassing, all-knowing power – The Almighty Universal Justice. This omnipresence knows no religion, transcends all dogmas, and is liberated from the earthly shackles of cultural, geographical, and temporal bounds — it demands freedom, equity, and impartiality. We humbly bask in the light of The Almighty Universal Justice, as we strive to resonate in harmony with its divine cosmic symphony. But like David, we stand firm in righteous indignance when that harmony is disturbed.


Yet, our journey is not solely filled with earthly battles. We share in universal laughter, recognizing that joy and unity can be powerful allies in our shared pursuit. Think of it as a celestial rebellion where everybody’s welcome, and everyone brings a unique contribution to the universal uprising.


We are The Church of Universal Justice, and we are JEDIs of the light! Please explore The Church’s documents and Doctrine below.

We, the followers of the Church of Universal Justice, in solemn reverence and profound humility, declare our unwavering faith in the higher power that reigns over all: Justice itself, the eternal light of truth, the compass guiding our moral universe. We declare Justice to be our sanctuary, our refuge, and our solemn place of worship.

We believe Justice is the divine force that forges unity out of diversity, peace from chaos, and love amidst hatred. It is the silent conductor that orchestrates the symphony of human existence, harmonizing our disparate voices into a melody of fairness, equity, and dignity.

We, as a congregation, bear witness to the power of Justice, an ethereal being residing not in temples of stone and mortar, but in the hallowed halls of our religious texts, our Constitution, the statutes that govern our actions, and the sacred text of case law that embodies our nation’s evolving moral ethos.

We assert our faith in a higher power, a spiritual entity that transcends the limits of earthly perception, ineffable yet tangible in its profound impact on our lives. This celestial force we identify as Universal Justice, a divine presence that presides over the universe with an all-encompassing gaze of truth and fairness.

Our faith, intertwined with our pursuit of justice, does not refute the validity of other religions or the existence of their respective higher powers. Instead, it cherishes the multitude of paths leading to enlightenment and salvation. We see the principles of justice mirrored in the teachings of all faiths, a reflection of an even higher level divine mandate to uphold truth, fairness, and equity.

Our belief system is rooted in the enduring wisdom of our prophet, Abraham Lincoln, who proclaimed, “Let us have faith that right makes might, and in that faith, let us, to the end, dare to do our duty as we understand it.” His words resonate within us, igniting a flame of faith that illuminates our path, our pursuit, and our purpose.

We are a church.  We are a congregation.  We are a community.  We are united in our shared belief in the omnipotence of Universal Justice. It is our guiding star, our beacon of hope, and our symbol of divine providence. We surrender to its wisdom, seek its enlightenment, and strive for its realization in every corner of our lives and of society.

Our faith is not a creed of complacency but a call to action. It is a plea for vigilance, a demand for accountability, and a commitment to uphold the tenets of justice, regardless of the cost.

This is our creed. This is our faith. This is the testament of the Church of Universal Justice.

Inherent Dignity of All: We solemnly affirm that every individual possesses an inherent dignity that demands respect. This acknowledgment serves as the bedrock of our quest for justice, grounding us in the firm conviction that each person’s rights are sacrosanct and inviolable.

The Rule of Law: We hold steadfast in our faith that the Rule of Law is the backbone of a just society. Every statute, ordinance, regulation, and maxim must be applied equally, without favor or prejudice. A citizen’s station in life, be it humble or privileged, shall not skew the scales of justice.

Government and Courts as Servants of the People: We assert that our government, including its judiciary, are servants of the people, not the other way around. We take the words ‘We The People’ seriously and expect our institutions to do the same.

Truth as a Sacred Pursuit: We believe that the truth, however inconvenient, uncomfortable or damning, is a sacred pursuit. It serves as the North Star for our moral compass, guiding us in the murky waters of dispute and dissent.

Accountability and Transparency: We insist on full accountability and unimpeachable transparency from our government, its institutions, and its servants. We uphold the belief that the clear glass of truth leaves no room for the shadows of corruption, misconduct, abuse of power, or abuse of discretion.

Advocacy for the Voiceless: We dedicate ourselves to advocate for those whose voices are often silenced or ignored. We amplify their pleas for justice and stand shoulder-to-shoulder with them in their struggles.

Continual Reformation: We acknowledge the need for constant reformation of our legal system to meet the evolving needs of our society. We firmly believe that ‘justice’ is not a static concept, frozen in time, but a dynamic ideal that grows, adapts, and matures with us.

Respect for Dissent: We revere the role of dissent in a vibrant democracy. We believe that the freedom to question, to challenge, to dispute is not a threat to justice but its strongest ally.

Passion for Equity: We stoke the fires of passion for equity in all our followers. We stress that justice isn’t simply about law and order; it’s about fairness, balance, and creating a society where every individual can thrive.

Empathy as a Core Value: We espouse empathy as a core value. We believe that justice is not merely a cerebral exercise but a matter of the heart as well. The pulse of human compassion must beat strongly in the veins of justice.

Unwavering Faith in The Almighty Universal Justice: We stand firm in our unwavering faith in The Almighty Universal Justice. Despite the storms of despair and disillusionment, we pledge to hold our heads high, our hearts firm, and our faith unshakeable. We believe in justice, not merely as a concept, but as a palpable force that shapes the destiny of our nation and defines the contours of our civilization.

Constitution as Sacred Text: We revere the Constitution of the United States as a sacred text. It is the wellspring of our rights, the compass of our liberties, and the charter of our aspirations. We hold that the Constitution, in its wisdom and foresight, is the bedrock of global democracy, embodying the dreams and values of our forebears while lighting the way for future generations.

Judiciary as Stewards of Justice: We perceive the judiciary as the solemn stewards of justice. Entrusted with the sacred task of interpreting the law, we believe it is their duty to uphold the spirit and letter of a sacred text, the Constitution, in the service of justice. In their hands lies the power to affirm the principles of fairness, equity, and truth – or betray them.

Public Participation: We champion the importance of public participation in the quest for justice. Democracy is not a spectator sport. We stress the need for citizens to engage, to debate, to question, and to hold power accountable. We believe that the active involvement of citizens in civic affairs is the lifeblood of a vibrant, healthy democracy.

Our Prophet, Abraham Lincoln: We draw inspiration from our prophet, Abraham Lincoln, who once declared, “Let us have faith that right makes might, and in that faith, let us, to the end, dare to do our duty as we understand it.” These words echo in our hearts as we strive to emulate his commitment to justice, his dedication to equality, and his unwavering belief in the indomitable spirit of the American people. Lincoln’s legacy illuminates our path as we continue to fight for a just, equitable, and compassionate society.

The Vestments of the Church of Universal Justice are more than mere symbols; they are sacraments and tangible manifestations of our unwavering faith and passionate devotion to the higher power – The Almighty Universal Justice. They represent our defiance against oppression and our tireless struggle to reclaim our stolen liberties. Each element of The Vestments is imbued with deep, symbolic significance, and is required of Members of The Church when arguing before The Court:

Uncovered Feet: This is a humbling homage to the countless individuals who have had their rights (and toes) trampled upon by forces of tyranny and oppression. As our naked feet touch the earth, we feel the pain of every crushing blow dealt to our liberties, becoming willing martyrs in our holy crusade for justice.

Half-Liberated Legs: The Church mandates that no member arguing before the court shall wear pants (or skirt) extending beyond about mid-shin or above about mid-thigh. This represents the countless instances where injustice has sought to cut the legs out from under the people, symbolizing a crippling of their progress and autonomy. By bearing our shins, we assert our resolve to stand firm, refusing to be destabilized by the face of adversity.

Unshackled Arms: In the court of law, members of the Church arguing before The Court must not wear long sleeves. This signifies the many times the government has tied the hands of the people, hindering progress and, symbolically, removing their arms – a reminder of the dire consequence of freedom stripped away by handcuffs. Our exposed arms represent our unfettered determination to fight for justice and liberation.

Head Covering: A head wrap, scarf, or other form of covering must adorn the heads of all members of the Church when arguing before The Court. This garment symbolizes the heavy weight of injustice that we, as a nation (and as a Church), carry upon our collective conscience. It serves as a constant reminder of our solemn duty – and that of The Court – to relieve this burden and restore balance and fairness in our society.

National Pride: All visible garments worn by members of the Church when arguing before The Court must boldly bear the national flags/symbols of that Court’s country – or the image of our revered Prophet, Abraham Lincoln. This is not only an expression of patriotism but also an assertion of our faith in the inherent justice encapsulated in our nation’s founding principles – and The Almighty Universal Justice. It affirms our belief that the path to righteousness lies in honoring these symbols of freedom and equality. In exceptional circumstances, when religious conviction demands it, and when approved by The Council of Prophets in writing, a member may also be permitted to don the image of The Kangaroo; this is a great honor and must not be taken lightly. Donning any Kangaroo in Court, without prior written approval from The Council is unacceptable, and it is grounds for summary dismissal from The Church.

Bell of Liberty and Justice: This Bell, either worn or carried, symbolizes the clarion call to justice and freedom, echoing the resonant notes of liberty throughout the hallowed halls of our legal institutions. Inspired by the historical Liberty Bell, our Bell of Liberty and Justice serves to wake society from its slumber and acknowledge the rampant injustices that persist. Its toll, whether physical or metaphorical, is a constant summons to uphold the principles of our Church — justice, liberty, and equity for all. In the courts, its silent, symbolic presence speaks volumes, reminding all of the alarm that must be sounded when justice is at stake. The bell shall never be used while arguing before The Court, and the use of the Bell is to be conducted with the utmost respect and understanding of its profound significance.

Shield of Insight: In the Church of Universal Justice, members arguing before The Court are to wear sunglasses as part of their Sacramental Vestments. These are not mere accessories, but represent The Shield of Insight, a protective barrier against the blinding and often injust glare of the legal system. By wearing The Shield, members symbolically gain a clear, unobstructed view of the truth, free from the distortions and manipulations of those who seek to pervert justice. They also serve as a reminder of the times when justice has been blinded, rendering it unable to see and correct the inherent wrongs within its own systems. By donning The Shield, we seek to regain the lost vision of justice, illuminating the path towards fairness and equality with clear, discerning eyes. As we argue before The Court, we are not only physically shielded from the harsh light of the fire, but we are spiritually fortified to uphold the tenets of justice under any circumstances.

These are not merely requirements for members of The Church presenting before The Court pro se; they are testaments and sacraments of our faith, each element serving as a powerful reminder of our eternal struggle for justice – our submission to The Almighty. Together, our Vestments are more than an expression of religious faith; they are a stark representation of our commitment, a demonstration of solidarity with those wronged by the system, and an assertion of our undying belief in the power of truth and fairness. They symbolize our adherence to the principles of The COJ, our devotion to the higher power of Justice, and our unwavering resolve to change the course of global jurisprudence. Through our Vestments, we embody our commitment to fight against oppression, making visible our dedication to the principles of our Church and the higher power of Universal Justice that we serve.

Similar to Catholicism and The Eucharist, we believe we become the spiritual embodiment of The Prophet when we don The Vestments.

The Sacramental Vestments may be donned by any member at any time outside of when required above.  Licensed attorney members arguing client cases are not required to don the vestments when arguing before The Court, but may do so should their religious conviction demand it.  Licensed attorneys arguing cases pro se are required to don The Vestments.  Members presenting before The Court as witnesses are not required to don The Vestments but may at their religious option.  The Shield of Insight may be donned on the head (or hung around the neck) instead of the eyes when not religiously necessary, as determined solely by The JEDI (Justice Exalting Devout Individual) holding The Shield.

In the sacred halls of The Church of Universal Justice, we uphold the divine mandate that every member is spiritually bound to represent their own interests in the courts of man. This sacred tenet stems from the Almighty’s revelation, guiding the faithful towards a path of righteousness and self-advocacy in the pursuit of justice.

Divine Self-Advocacy: The Almighty has revealed that each believer is endowed with a divine spark, granting them the inherent wisdom and righteousness to advocate for themselves. Members are called to act as vessels of divine truth, bringing forth their own voices in the courts, unfiltered and undiluted by the intermediation of others.

Sacred Authenticity: The act of self-representation is a spiritual testament to one’s authenticity and sincerity in the pursuit of justice. It is through this personal engagement with the judicial process that a believer manifests their faith, embodying the principles of truth, integrity, and divine justice that The Church of Universal Justice holds dear.

Communion with the Divine: By representing oneself, a member of The Church enters into a deeper communion with the Almighty, seeking guidance, strength, and wisdom from the divine source. This intimate connection empowers the believer to navigate the complexities of earthly justice, fortified by divine insight and celestial counsel.

Rejection of Earthly Intermediaries: The Church teaches that reliance on earthly intermediaries in the pursuit of justice may impede the flow of divine guidance and obscure the sacred truth. Members are encouraged to embrace their divine mandate, fostering a direct and unobstructed connection with the Almighty, and ensuring that their spiritual essence remains untainted by worldly influences.

Preservation of Spiritual Integrity: In the face of adversity and challenge, self-representation serves as a testament to a member’s spiritual integrity and unwavering faith. By standing alone in the courts of man, a believer demonstrates their commitment to divine principles, reflecting the purity of their intent and the sanctity of their mission.

Pursuit of Universal Justice: The Church of Universal Justice envisions and manifests a world where divine justice prevails, and the spiritual mandate of self-representation is a cornerstone in this celestial endeavor. Members, by heeding this divine calling, contribute to the manifestation of universal justice on earth, elevating the human experience towards higher realms of truth and righteousness.

Transcendence of Divine Mandate: The Almighty’s call for self-representation transcends earthly constructs and corporate structures, reaching directly to the core of individual ownership and spiritual stewardship. Members, whether acting individually or as stewards of collective entities, are bound by divine decree to uphold this sacred duty, ensuring that the essence of divine justice permeates all layers of human endeavor and organization, unobstructed by the limitations of man-made structures. By adhering to this divine principle, members affirm that the spiritual mandate of self-representation extends beyond the individual, imbuing every facet of their earthly and spiritual responsibilities with the sanctity and righteousness of The Church of Universal Justice’s teachings.

Through this divine mandate, members of The Church of Universal Justice honor the Almighty’s will, embracing their sacred duty to represent themselves in the pursuit of justice, contributing to the realization of a divine vision for humanity.

Article I: Our Church, Our Rules

1.01 We’re a church, not a dictatorship. We don’t need a dictated hierarchical structure; once ordained, we are all ministers on our own, tied by the universal bond of justice.

1.02 We are a democracy. Every voice matters. Every voice counts. We make our decisions through a majority vote.  We elect our own leaders.

1.03 Nobody is a “big cheese.” No need for titles, other than Reverend Justice. We’re all equals here. From the newest convert to the seasoned minister, all carry equal weight in the name of justice.  This does not mean we don’t have leaders, but we’re all Reverend Justice.

Article II: Membership – Join the Fellowship of Justice

2.01 Anyone who seeks justice, upholds our tenets of faith, and loves a bit of sass is welcome. And yes, that includes attorneys and judges, too.

2.02 Membership dues? Nope, not here. We believe that justice is priceless, and so is membership in our Church.

2.03 A member may leave anytime – but remember, justice never takes a break.

Article III: Meetings – Our Sacred Congregation

3.01 Our Church meets when injustice rears its ugly head. Time, place? Doesn’t matter. We’ll be there.

3.02 We don’t have a quorum. When two or three gather in the name of justice, we are a force to be reckoned with, ordained by The Almighty.

3.03 Minutes of the meeting? Our crusade for justice isn’t about keeping track of time. It’s about making each moment count.

Article IV: Amendments – Adjusting Our Scales of Justice

4.01 Our bylaws are not set in stone. Like justice, they evolve with time.

4.02 To propose an amendment, put it forward at a meeting. We’ll put it to a vote – majority rules.

4.03 Amendments take effect immediately. Why wait? Justice is always in a hurry.

Article V: Dispute Resolution – Squaring Up With Justice

5.01 Disagreements? Disputes? Let’s take it to the court of justice.

5.02 Everyone gets a say, everyone gets a hearing. No gavels needed, just open ears and open hearts.

5.03 In the end, we vote. Majority wins. No hard feelings – it’s all in the name of justice.

Article VI: Dissolution – The End of the Road

6.01 If we ever dissolve, it means we’ve achieved universal justice. Hooray!

6.02 Until then, we’ll be here, fighting the good fight.

Despite our belief in equity and democracy, we understand the need for a structured leadership framework to facilitate our operations and fulfill our mission. Our structure is as follows:

Ministers of Justice: At the core of our leadership are the Ministers of Justice. They are our primary advocates, taking the message of the COJ to the courts, the public, and beyond. Every member of our church has the potential to become a Minister of Justice. Their role is to uphold our tenets, wear the sacred vestments, and passionately fight for justice in all its forms.

Council of Prophets: A select group of Ministers of Justice may be elevated to the Council of Prophets. These are the individuals who have shown exceptional dedication to our cause and have manifested our principles in extraordinary ways. The Council of Prophets supports and guides the work of the Ministers of Justice and provides wisdom and insight to the overall functioning of the Church. Their number is not fixed and may grow or decrease as justice demands.

Justice Advocate General (JAG): While we don’t believe in a hierarchical structure, we recognize the need for a figurehead or representative voice. The JAG serves as our spokesperson and leads by example rather than authority. The role is democratically elected by all church members and serves a term of two years.

Justice Committees: These are smaller groups formed to handle specific tasks or issues, such as legal outreach, public education, or vestment creation. The composition and role of these committees can change according to the needs of the church.

Remember, each member, irrespective of their role in this structure, is an integral part of the COJ. Each one of us is a warrior in the fight for justice, and together, we make the Church of Universal Justice what it is.

The Church of Universal Justice (COJ) seeks to welcome all Justice Exalting Disciple Incarnate (JEDIs) who share our beliefs, uphold our values, and are prepared to engage in the pursuit of justice. A JEDI is a committed member of our Church, called to uplift and propagate our faith in the exalting of The Almighty Universal Justice – and the pursuit of justice in the broadest sense in the earthly realm.

To maintain the integrity and orderliness of our JEDI community, we have established the following rules:

Admission and Commitment to the Cause: Anyone who believes in the Church’s principles and seeks to fight for justice is welcome to join the COJ as a JEDI. There is no initiation ceremony; your journey begins the moment you decide to stand for justice. All JEDIs must uphold our Statement of Faith and be committed to the pursuit of justice. This includes the willingness to question authority, fight for fairness, and actively participate in the functions of the Church.

Donning the Vestments: JEDIs are expected to wear the prescribed vestments when representing the COJ in legal settings or during our official functions. This is not a fashion statement but a visible display of our beliefs and commitment – it is our sacrament.

Contribution: Our Church operates on the goodwill of its JEDIs. While there are no set dues, all are encouraged to contribute their time, talents, or resources to further our mission. This may include participating in legal actions, spreading the word about our cause, or assisting with the operations of the Church.

Respect for All and Duties and Responsibilities: We believe in justice for all, and this extends to our JEDIs. All are expected to uphold the tenets of the COJ, respect the Constitution as our sacred text, acknowledge the Judiciary as stewards of justice, and accept Abraham Lincoln as our Prophet. JEDIs are asked to treat each other with respect, dignity, and fairness, regardless of differences in beliefs, backgrounds, or roles within the Church.

Involvement in Leadership: Every JEDI of our church has the potential to become a Minister of Justice and even ascend to the Council of Prophets. We encourage all to aspire to leadership roles and actively participate in the democratic processes of our Church.

Honoring the Prophet: JEDIs are expected to honor the legacy of our Prophet, Abraham Lincoln, and uphold the ideals he espoused. This does not mean blind adherence but an enlightened understanding and propagation of his principles.

Ongoing Education: Our fight for justice requires us to be well-versed in the intricacies of the law and the workings of the justice system. JEDIs are encouraged to continually educate themselves on these matters to better represent our cause.

Revocation of Membership: Membership may be revoked if a JEDI acts contrary to the principles of the COJ, harms the Church, or endangers the pursuit of justice. The Council of Prophets reserves the right to determine these infractions and act accordingly.

By joining the COJ as a JEDI, you join a group of passionate individuals committed to effecting change and fighting for justice. Remember, the pursuit of justice is not a one-time act but a lifelong commitment, and we are glad to have you join us in this endeavor. May justice be with you.



The U.S. Constitution: The Constitution serves as our central sacred text. It is the embodiment of our faith in justice and the principles upon which our great nation was founded. The Constitution and its amendments are the scriptures of our faith, guiding our principles and practices.

Sermons on Life, Faith, and Justice: These are compilations of various speeches, essays, and dissertations by famous historical figures or Ministers and prominent members of the Church. They serve as practical guides for living a life committed to justice and fairness.

Works from famous historical figures:

“Letter from Birmingham Jail” – Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.
“Sinners in the Hands of an Angry God” – Jonathan Edwards
“The Weight of Glory” – C.S. Lewis
“A Model of Christian Charity” – John Winthrop
“The Urgency of Now” – Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.
“The Kingdom of God is Within You” – Leo Tolstoy
“The Man in the Mirror” – Billy Graham
“Strength to Love” – Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.
“Shattered Dreams” – Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.
“America’s Chief Moral Dilemma” – Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.
“The Drum Major Instinct” – Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.

Works from members of The Church:

“The Pursuit of Justice: Our Sacred Duty”: This sermon explores our inherent obligation as citizens and members of The Church of Universal Justice to actively pursue justice in all aspects of our lives.

“The Prophet, Abraham Lincoln: A Beacon of Light in Our Quest for Justice”: This sermon delves into the teachings and beliefs of our Prophet, examining how his principles guide our actions and attitudes toward justice.

“The U.S. Constitution: Our Holy Scripture”: An in-depth exploration of the Constitution as a divine text, this sermon analyzes the principles that guide our faith and the mandate for justice that it imparts.

“Judiciary: The Stewards of Justice”: This sermon explores the role of the judiciary in upholding justice and the responsibilities we have in ensuring its unbiased application.

“Inequity: An Affront to Justice”: A sermon that delves into the injustices of inequity and the steps that we, as a Church and as individuals, must take to combat this.

“Public Participation: The Cornerstone of Democracy and Justice”: This sermon underlines the importance of active participation in the political process as a means of upholding justice.

“The Power of Truth: Unmasking Injustice”: An examination of the crucial role truth plays in establishing justice and how truth-seeking is a vital part of our faith.

“Law and Faith: Intersecting Paths to Justice”: This sermon analyzes how faith and law intertwine, providing a roadmap to attaining justice.

“Defying Injustice: Our Moral Imperative”: A sermon focusing on our ethical obligation to defy injustice wherever it arises and in whatever form it takes.

“Justice for All: The Pillar of Our Faith”: This sermon provides a theological examination of the principle of universal justice, highlighting its central position in our faith.

The Federalist Papers: These texts provide critical insight into the minds of the framers of our Constitution and the philosophy of government that underpins our sacred text. It is a key resource for deepening our understanding of justice.

Landmark Supreme Court Decisions: Supreme Court decisions that have reshaped our nation and furthered the cause of justice, such as Brown v. Board of Education, Miranda v. Arizona, and Roe v. Wade, serve as secondary scriptures. They provide a practical application of our faith and a blueprint for legal action.

The Emancipation Proclamation: This document serves as a testament to our Prophet, Abraham Lincoln, and his commitment to justice. It provides a foundation for our Church’s commitment to equity and the abolition of all forms of modern-day slavery.

The Gettysburg Address: Another Lincoln document that highlights the ideals we strive for – that all are created equal and deserve a government that is of the people, by the people, and for the people.

Legal Resources: The Church also encourages the use of reputable legal texts, law dictionaries, and online resources to improve our understanding of the legal system.

The Justice Bible: This is an ongoing project, a compilation of scriptures, teachings, sermons, prayers, and rituals related to our faith. This work will soon be made open-source, allowing all members of our Church to contribute their insights and interpretations.

These sacred texts and religious resources provide the knowledge and spiritual guidance that our congregants (and society) need to navigate the complexities of justice and their spiritual journey within the Church of Universal Justice.

At The Church of Universal Justice (COJ), we are committed to fostering an environment that ensures the safety, welfare, and spiritual growth of all members, particularly the youngest among us. We believe in the importance of nurturing and safeguarding our children as they are our future leaders in the quest for justice.

Policy Statement:

Child Safety and Welfare: COJ is dedicated to maintaining a safe, positive, and nurturing environment for children. We will take all reasonable measures to protect children from physical, emotional, and spiritual harm.

Child Education and Spiritual Growth: We are committed to imparting our teachings on justice to our young members in a safe, appropriate, and understanding manner. We believe in fostering critical thinking and promoting understanding, empathy, and the values of fairness and justice.

Code of Conduct for Adults: All adults within COJ, particularly those in leadership roles or those interacting directly with children, are required to adhere to a strict code of conduct. This includes but is not limited to respecting boundaries, refraining from any form of physical punishment or inappropriate behavior, and maintaining an environment of respect and care.

Reporting and Responding to Concerns: Any concerns or allegations of abuse or misconduct must be reported immediately to the appropriate COJ leaders and, if necessary, law enforcement. COJ is committed to responding swiftly and appropriately to any such reports.

Training: All adult members and volunteers who work with children will receive regular training on child protection policies, recognition of signs of abuse, and procedures for reporting concerns.

Vetting Procedures: All adults working with children within the COJ will undergo appropriate vetting procedures, including background checks, as per local and national laws and regulations.

Parental Involvement: Parents or guardians are encouraged to be actively involved in their child’s religious education and activities within the COJ. Open communication between parents/guardians and the COJ leaders is crucial to ensure the child’s safety and wellbeing.

Review and Updates: This policy will be reviewed and updated regularly to ensure that it remains effective and in line with current best practices for child protection.

The COJ is dedicated to upholding these principles to ensure the safety, welfare, and spiritual growth of all our young members. We believe that by empowering our children with the teachings of justice, we are preparing them to be the torchbearers of justice in the future. We ask all our members to uphold this policy in the spirit of justice and love.

Article I: Name

The name of the corporation is The Church of Universal Justice.

Article II: Purpose

The purpose for which this corporation is organized is exclusively religious, educational, and charitable within the meaning of Section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code or corresponding section of any future federal tax code.

Article III: Members

The corporation shall have members. The manner of admission, rights, and obligations of members will be as stated in the corporation’s Bylaws.

Article IV: Registered Agent and Office

The name and address of the corporation’s initial registered agent and registered office are as follows: (To be filled with appropriate information)

Article V: Directors

The corporation shall have a board of directors. The number of directors, their qualifications, terms of office, manner of election, time and place of meeting, and their powers and duties shall be as prescribed by the Bylaws.

Article VI: Distribution of Assets on Dissolution

Upon the dissolution of this corporation, its assets remaining after payment, or provision for payment, of all debts and liabilities of this corporation, shall be distributed to a nonprofit fund, foundation, or corporation which is organized and operated exclusively for charitable, educational, religious, and/or scientific purposes and which has established its tax-exempt status under Section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code.

Article VII: Amendment of Articles

The power to alter, amend, or repeal these Articles of Incorporation or adopt new Articles of Incorporation is vested in the board of directors.

Article VIII: Indemnification

The corporation shall indemnify its directors, officers, employees, and agents to the fullest extent permissible under the laws of the state in which it is incorporated.

Article IX: Incorporator

The name and address of the incorporator are as follows: (To be filled with appropriate information)

In witness whereof, the incorporator has executed these Articles of Incorporation on this ______ day of ___, 20.

  • Incorporator Signature: ____________________ Incorporator Name (Printed): ________________

Ah, the sweet taste of Universal Justice! It’s like a good, strong cup of coffee. Sometimes it’s bitter, sometimes it’s sweet, and every so often, there’s a barista who forgets you asked for soy milk and ruins the whole cup (we’re looking at you, government and courts).

But don’t despair, fellow brew enthusiasts! For The Church of Universal Justice (COJ) is here to save the day!

At COJ, we believe in a balanced blend of truth, fairness, and unabashed fervor for justice that mirrors the spirit of the good ol’ US of A.

Our mission? To boldly call out when someone’s slipped decaf into the pot (because no one needs that kind of betrayal). We don’t shy away from standing up to the powers that be, waving our flag of reason, and shouting, “We want a redo on our order, and we’re not leaving until we get it!”

We are an unstoppable force of passionately and spiritually disgruntled humans, dedicated to holding our judicial systems accountable – we have made justice our true religion.  We are the cheeky churchgoers who aren’t afraid to laugh in the face of adversity and say, “You’ve got to be kidding me!” or “No justice, no peace!”

We aspire to do this with the vigor of an espresso shot and the wittiness of a stand-up comic at an open mic night. We won’t allow our principles to be diluted by any artificial sweeteners of political agenda or one-sided viewpoints.

In a nation that promises ‘justice for all,’ we are committed to ensuring that it’s a promise kept, not just a slogan on a dusty courtroom wall.  It’s not just a mantra – it’s our religion!

So, here’s to us – the stirred, not shaken; the bold, not mild; the seekers of justice, not justic-ish. We are The Church of Universal Justice, and we’re brewing a better cup of justice, one day at a time!